Lesson 13: Monitoring framework Copy

Ormo case study: Monitoring framework for DR programme development

The team has developed the following monitoring framework for the two-year programme to develop diabetic retinopathy (DR) services in Ormo. A
responsible person takes charge of each objective and ensures that the actions needed to achieve the objective take place. They also report back on progress to the Ormo DR programme manager and the Ministry of Health.
Indicators that are collected at regular intervals must be discussed at the
programme level and feedback provided back to the level at which the action has taken place. Constructive feedback motivates and supports programmes to keep on track.

Objective 1. Establish DR screening and treatment guidelines in the first year.

Objective 2. Train 2 ophthalmologists in laser treatment by the end of the first year.

Objective 3. Establish a central electronic diabetes database for Ormo district by the end of the second year.

Objective 4. Develop diabetic eye disease education programmes at all nine district hospitals for all people with diabetes, within six months and in partnership with district health providers.

Objective 5. 50% increase in screening and treatment for DR in the district by the end of the two-year programme.

Discussion: Examine the framework above. Is this programme achievable in Ormo? Are the indicators selected in this framework suitable for monitoring progress? How can quality of a service provision be monitored? In your own setting, what key indicators are used to track DR screening and treatment?